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Does My Furnace in Glendale, AZ, Need Repairs?

Debating Whether To Schedule Furnace Repairs

Unless your furnace just won’t run, it’s easy to dismiss small things that may indicate the need for repairs. However, neglecting these early warning signs can result in more expensive repair bills and a shorter service life. This guide will explore common signs that your furnace needs repairs.

Extended Heating Cycles

Standard-efficiency furnaces run heating cycles that average 10 to 15 minutes. Longer heating cycles indicate the system isn’t heating your home as effectively. This can point to anything from a problem with the burner to leaks in your ductwork.

Unusual Noises

Your furnace should only emit a low whoosh when the burner starts and the whir of the circulating fan. Other noises may indicate problems with your furnace ranging from minor to significant. Noises to pay attention to include everything from banging and thumping to screeching or grinding.

Bad Odors

Your furnace shouldn’t produce any odor, especially after the first cycle of the season. Pay attention to odors like chemicals, burning, musty and sulfur. Routine furnace maintenance can resolve most minor odors and catch bigger problems that may also produce an unpleasant smell.

Uneven Heating

In a properly working system, your furnace should heat your home relatively evenly. Cold spots may indicate problems with your blower motor or ducts, as well as that your air filter needs changing.

Unexplained Heating Bill Increases

Your heating expenses may vary based on the outside temperature. However, variations should easily correlate with weather changes.

If you see increases that you can’t correlate to colder weather patterns, it’s likely a sign of reduced efficiency. Watch your energy consumption from month to month. More importantly, track your consumption each month compared to the year prior.

Neglecting small problems will eventually lead to larger and more expensive issues. Call to schedule a furnace repair with one of our NATE-certified service technicians at Preferred Air.

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