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Why Is My Heat Pump Stuck in Heating Mode?

Heat Pump Comparison

Heat pumps are designed to switch between heating and cooling modes. However, there are instances when they get stuck in heating mode, even when the weather is warm in Paradise Valley, AZ. Here are some potential reasons your heat pump isn’t switching from heating mode:

Broken Reversing Valve

The reversing valve is a crucial component that directs refrigerant flow for heating or cooling. If it malfunctions or gets stuck in the heating position, your heat pump will remain in heating mode. You’ll need a professional service technician to diagnose and replace the faulty valve.

Thermostat Problems

Your thermostat controls the operation of your heat pump. If it’s malfunctioning or you’ve set it incorrectly, it might prevent the system from switching to cooling mode. Check the thermostat settings and replace it if necessary. Also, make sure the new thermostat is compatible with the model of your system.

To avoid any issues with your replacement, call an HVAC service technician to do the job. They will make sure you have the correct thermostat and install it properly. We recommend investing in a smart thermostat to maximize your energy savings.

Dirty Coil

A dirty evaporator coil can hinder the ability of the heat pump to absorb heat from the indoor air. This can cause the system to struggle and remain in heating mode. Since this is the case, regular cleaning of the coils during maintenance is essential for optimal performance.

Frozen Coil

In humid conditions, the outdoor coil can freeze, preventing proper heat exchange. A frozen coil can restrict airflow and cause the heat pump to operate inefficiently or fail to switch modes. Defrosting the coil and addressing the underlying humidity issue are necessary. A service technician can perform this task for you.

Loss of Refrigerant

Low refrigerant levels can affect the heat pump’s performance and cause it to malfunction. Refrigerant leaks can lead to various issues, including the inability to switch modes. Contact a professional service technician to recharge the refrigerant and locate any leaks. You should never attempt to fix refrigerant leaks yourself; it’s dangerous.

There’s no need to suffer during the sweltering months of summer because your heat pump isn’t switching from heating mode. Call Preferred Air to schedule a heat pump repair today. We’ll restore its functionality and help you achieve optimal comfort.

Image provided by iStock

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